Something’s Cooking/Dinner Service
Wednesdays 5:00p
Chancel Choir-Wednesdays 7:00p
We have been able to start a new food pantry for Clay County and the surrounding area. With many hours of planning and working Brazil First United Methodist Church has opened its doors to helping our community by hosting a food pantry.
With aid from Catholic Charities, the committee from Brazil First UMC and their strong leadership we have been passing out food to the local people that already attend our Something’s Cooking soup kitchen, however Pantry Blessings (the name of our food pantry) is open to anyone wishing to come in and ask for some food.
Pantry Blessings is open the first and third Wednesday of each month beginning at 4:30 p.m. When stopping by for some food why not grab a try and pull up a chair for some of the best food you will ever find at a Something’s Cooking. If there are any questions please call the office at 812-443-2231.
-Temporarily inactive-
Brazil First United Methodist Church has been chosen to participate in the Sacred Places grant procurement and have begun the first steps toward our commitment. We have acknowledged the covenant and are settling back in our role with this association. We have now completed our all of our class sessions and are ready to move forward with an Architect assessment. We have spoken to a couple of architects and are moving in a positive direction.
The ‘Soup Kitchen’ here at our church has decided to have a name change. We feel that what we have to offer is so much more than a regular soup kitchen. Therefore we have decided to change the name to ‘Something’s Cooking’. And believe it or not, there is ALWAYS something good cooking here every Wednesday from 5:00 – 6:00. The meals are free of charge and everyone in the community is invited to join us.
A new addition to the community meal arena is the Sunday evening meal at The First Presbyterian Church. They are serving a free meal from 5:00 – 7:00 to everyone in the community that wishes to join them.
So, if you are running short on grocery money or just want to socialize a bit take full advantage of the wonderful meals the organizations of this community are preparing weekly. You are sure to leave full and completely satisfied.
We receive beautiful, hand-made quilts as donations for this ministry. We will display them on the altar and they will be prayed over. Once each quilt is prayed over, we will give them to congregation members to have for themselves or a loved one. We currently have several shawls, but are always looking for donations of more. Anyone in need of a prayer quilt, please see Pastor Kerry. If you are interested in donating a quilt, Sandy Bell will be your point of contact. Please visit Alicia Hardesty in the church office and she will put you in touch with Sandy.
Kroger has begun a program that pays your favorite charitable organization by you simply using your Kroger card at time of purchase, all at no additional charge to you. Your Kroger card must be registered using Brazil First United Methodist Church as the charitable organization you wish to have your money donated to. To begin this process you will simply need to go to on your computer and register your card as I said before using Brazil First United Methodist Church as your designated charitable organization and continue shopping just as you have in the past. The money will build up in our account and each quarter we will receive a check. We have partnered with Open Hands preschool on this so each time we receive a check we will divide it with them.